Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Happenings

It's been a while since my last post! Life has been very busy. It seems like we're always on the go.
What's new? Well, both kids attend Sunset Christian Preschool (UPPC), (it's quite nice to be working upstairs while they are happily learning and playing downstairs) job opportunities for Brian...he is currently at home with the kids and recently accepted a position at Finn Media Company (cutting edge graphic design firm) working as an account manager to win big clients. He will be working from home, so a new home office is essential! We have plans to start on the nursery as soon as we find out if our baby is a boy or girl. (November 5th - stay tuned). We will be busy organizing our home in the near future. Baby is due around March 24th.

Camden (age 2) is a real character lately. He's all boy. Such a flirt. He is really getting into sports and climbing. I can hardly keep up! It seems like every time I turn around he is jumping off the couch, the dog kennel, the bed, you name it. He has bruises from head to toe from all of the crashing he does throughout the day. He's really attached to me, and wants mama to do everything. He clings to my leg like a monkey sometimes. He knows how to push my buttons - but daddy puts him in his place. His favorite food lately is candy corn and chocolate, his favorite show is Barney, he LOVES basketball, baths, washing hands, (being clean) playing with trucks, pigs, praying, snuggling on the couch and hide and seek. He can sing "Jesus Loves Me" perfectly. We're potty training and our latest battle is getting him to put his diaper on (and make it to the toilet). He thinks he is a "big boy" and he runs as fast as he can when I pull the diapers out. He runs away from us quite often - mostly at meal time and bed time! Lately, he sneaks into bed at night or tries to stall for a few hours.

Taylor is almost 4 (in January) and she is so darn silly and smart. She can sit and color all day long. It's her outlet. She takes care of her little brother Cam, always grabbing the hood of his jacket when he runs away. She likes Dora, all sorts of dolls, puzzles, butterflies, getting dressed all by herself, pretending to be a princess, classical music, soccer and cooking (she recently got pepper in her eyes during a pasta lesson). She really enjoys "stirring" when we bake. She is a sensitive child and very caring, and tells me she wants to be a doctor someday. (She also wants to be a race car driver). Her laugh is contagious and I am constantly amazed at the things that come out of her mouth! (such as the entire "pledge of allegiance") or "Mommy, am I cute?" She also likes to borrow my camera and shoot pictures of our family. I recently bought the Canon PowerShot A495 at Target for $99. It's great for kids to use because you just point and shoot. One of her favorite past times is to take pictures of herself making funny faces. She will sit and laugh at each photo like it's the funniest thing she has ever seen. She is making great friends in preschool and even has her eyes on a few boys! Oh no. Tonight she actually asked me how babies are made...don't worry. I didn't tell her. Why do they grow up so fast???

I love our growing family. Feeling blessed and content. Can't wait to meet our third baby! March can't come soon enough. Happy fall everyone!



  1. love the update. and the pictures...that one of taylor in the glasses is too cute!

  2. Nice update. Good to hear everyone is doing well!
